EDMONTON – A par­a­lyzed for­mer tem­por­ary for­eign work­er Canada has been grant­ed a two-year work per­mit that voids her de­por­ta­tion or­der and al­lows her to stay in Edmonton.

“I have two years I don’t need to worry every night, wake up in the mor­ning, that maybe they’re just go­ing to de­port me,” Vicky Venancio said in an inter­view.

temporary foreign worker Canada

Former temporary foreign worker Canada Vicky Venancio has been granted a two year work permit, according to supporters.

“It’s real­ly a big re­lief to know that I can stay here legal­ly

[as a temporary foreign worker Canada].

At the Alberta legis­la­ture Sun­day, Health Minister Sarah Hoff­man said Venancio will now have access to much-needed pain medication and X-rays.

“What she needed was to have legal stat­us to stay in Canada,” Hoffman said. “Now that the federal government has authorized that, we can give her the health care support that she is so rightfully entitled to.”

Hoff­man met with the 29-year-old ear­li­er this month, and later con­tacted the fed­er­al de­part­ment of Citizenship and Im­mi­gra­tion Canada to en­cour­age the new work per­mit, she said.

“You can’t help but feel in­spired by her strength,” Hoffman said. “She is such a strong woman to be­come a quadriplegic and have it hap­pen when you’re halfway around the world.

Source: Paralyzed former temporary foreign worker granted two-year work permit (click here for full article)

www.edmontonjournal.com,. ‘Paralyzed Former Temporary Foreign Worker Granted Two-Year Work Permit’. N.p., 2015. Web. 26 July 2015.

The following is the opinion of a Burnaby immigration consultant that has chosen to remain anonymous. It may or may not reflect the opinion(s) of RS Immigration Corporation. RS Immigration Corp provides assistance with Canadian immigration applications.

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There have been many changes to the temporary foreign worker Canada program. Including an increase to application fees for Canadian Labour Market Impact Assessments to $1000. Also, refusing applications in areas of high unemployment such as food counter attendants, grocery clerks and cashiers just to name a few.

This article is heart warming. Displaying the compassion of Canada.

Do you have questions about the temporary foreign worker Canada program? Canadian immigration? How to apply for a Canadian Visa? How to apply sponsorship in Canada? How can I get permanent residence? Or other question? For assistance navigating your Canadian immigration application and increase your chances of success contact RS Immigration Corp (click here)